Forest Kindergarten

Did you know, "Forest Kindergartens" are all over the world? Allegedly originated in Denmark, "Forest Kindergarten" is a type of early childhood education that takes children into the great outdoors to experience activities in the natural environment. To avoid "nature deficit disorder" in our children, getting them to play outside in nature is absolutely necessary.
Children receive many benefits from nature. Nature stimulates their senses and improves physical and mental health.
Raised In A Favorable Environment With An Abundant Of Nature
Our kindergarten is located in Urakawa, a town in northern Japan of Hokkaido. Urakawa, with a mild climate, is surrounded by mountains, rivers, and the sea. Taking full advantage of the natural surroundings, Friend Kindergarten will move forward and become a "forest kindergarten".
To ensure children can spend a safe and comfortable time at the kindergarten's backyard playgrounds,a complete land surveying was performed. We are currently developing the forest with the help of horses. Horses provide environmental sustainability by grazing and roaming.
Give and Take
In order to carry out our education philosophy, love nature and love humans, we aim to have a "give and take" relationship with the forest. Rather than just taking advantage of the forest as a place to play, we value and take pride in building a sustainable forest, with our children, parents, locals, and experts. While enjoying our time, our goal is to create and maintain a rich forest as a community, for our next generations.